(.333 member)
07/04/06 01:40 AM
Re: taking apart a double

I also have a Merkel 470, and have never had it apart. Have most required tools but really see no real reason for dis-assembly. As far as field maintenance first you have to get the butt stock off which requires more than a regular screwdriver kit I would normally carry with me. If you do disassemble you would require the replacement part to effect a repair and in most cases that would be a spring you don't have. My Heym came with two spare strikers ( marked L & R ) in the gripcap, but did not have the spanner (special) required to replace them. I can safely state I've been shooting double guns both shotgun and rifle for over 50 years and have yet to disassemble one for any reason. I have disassembled literally hundreds of boltguns and handguns in that same timeframe but never a doublegun. Just lucky I suppose.

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