Hey Corbin, Thanks for taking the time to check out this gun. At first glance I was interested, but then after re-evaluating my needs versus desires,(Ha!) I decided not to persue it any further.. I saw this rifle about the time I noticed how handy looking those little 9.3X74 merkel O/U looked and started thinking perhaps the .375H&H would be just as handy (not thinking about frame dimensions duh!) But I couldn't recall seeing a .375 in a very long time if at all since I started getting interested in D/R's.. But as I looked harder and harder at this rifle I started noticing things like, poorly fit stock to receiver, poorly fit recoil pad and as you mentioned blueing issues. Not to mention I too thought the sight rib looked like a railway line down the middle... Just when I convinced myself to keep looking for that just right 450/400 or 450NE, I spy a freakin fantastic German O/U on Bob Jones website in.... You guessed it... 375H&H.... Oh the injustice of it all...