(.333 member)
16/03/06 01:18 PM
Re: This new action...


This is an iteresting approach for regulating. I do it more like Brown shows in his book except I don't do any welding to the barrels. I use a generic front sight and use shim stock till I get where I want. Then after getting measurements I make the final site. The only problem I had the first couple of times was not undersizing the sight to allow for the thickness of the solder.

The reason I started building was because I couldn't afford a DR. The more of them I make the more I realize that there are many fine DR's out there that are a bargain at their current prices. Only problem is I still don't have the money for those bargains either .

I was wondering if you do anything to try to cover the seems where the monoblock and the sleeves meet? I haven't done that so far but have been thinking of maybe attempting to cover it next time and was wondering what was/has worked for others? Also have you (or anyone else for that matter) tried doing a shoe lump barrel set at all? I was thinking of trying to do this as an alternative to cover the seems on a monoblocked job.


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