I have recieved several Emails and lots of questions about regulating double rifles so lets talk about that a bit. First, if any of you know a scientific way to regulate a double Please, Please speek up now!!!! The problem with regulating a double,(side by side) is that the recoil starts as soon as the bullet starts moveing. Since the barrels are to both the left and right of the center line of the rifle we end up with both right or left rotational action and upward movement of the barrels. To simplify this a bit, the left barrel will move up and to the left and the right battel will rotate up and to the right. This is why double rifles can not be regulated from a machine rest, they have to be held and shot. For comfort this is best done from a standing bench. Some thing else I have run into is that in jeneral a double rifle will shoot better for one person then another as far as shot seperation. When looking into this a bit I have come to the conclusion that how one holds these intriging things also changes the picture. I am not talking about flinching here but body size, grip and how stiff a person is when shooting. We have to remember that with a bolt rifle we deal with upward and rear ward movement and for the most part that is it so hold, build and stance of the shooter is far less important. Give us yout thoughts on this and next post I will try to get into the regulating process. I am not an expert but I am more then willing to share what I have learned so please share your knowledge so that all of us can learn stuff which is new to us. |