(.333 member)
08/03/06 03:54 AM
Re: Long shotgun actions

Hey, I wasn't dissing anybody. I was however surprised at how thin it was.

It just seemed that you were offended by the way it read. That's the problem with this type of forum beause I didn't mean it that way at all.

As I said earlier the barrel profile is something indeed that is quite different than anything else. This is an area I'm still working hard on getting right. I only have had the oppurtunity to shoot 2 professionaly made DR's. One is an old BPE and isn't nearly as lively as the much later manufactured 303.

Thus my expeirence is very limited other than the ones that myself and a couple other of guy's have built. About 15 in all currently. However some of them are pretty crude. I haven't refined things far enough that I'd feel comfortable doing the 577 currently. Though I deffinately want to in the future. I've been playing with an action design now for a few months. It is working but not quite the way I want to yet. However when i get everything working the way I want I'll be able to get it programed into the CNC mill then I can build DR's in calibers for myself as quickly as I can afford barrels and raw 4140 CM.

Anyway thanks again and as I said I wasn't trying to offend anyone.


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