Way to go - sounds great so far. : Important to casting, is the alloy, and final size of the bullet. You will find a difference in shooting with different lubes. : Lube that worked for me with smokeless loads, are SPG, 60/40 mix of Beeswax/Vaseline. I had less than stellar results with the alox lubes, even with smokless loads. Anther lube that shows promise is Lyman Moly lube in the stick form for lube-sizers, but testing on that one is on-going at this time. I even tested some sprayed with Hoppe's moly lube and they shot without leading with reasonable accuracy. : Bullets, I've found, should be .002" LARGER than the groove diameter. .001" is OK, but groove size will normally lead the bore and shoot poorly. At 1,900 to 2,100fps, straight WW alloy shot well for me, but WW are a bit harder up here than the US equivalent. ; Questions? 1/. did the bullets lead the bore? 2/. what diameter are they ready to load? 3/. what is the groove diameter of the barrel? 3/. what is the rate of twist? 4/. are your groupings lefts and rights including any divergence or crossing of the barrels. : Do keep up posted - a most interesting rifle, indeed. Great performance so far. The accuracy will come with bullet and load developement, I am certain. : BTW- IMR 3031 is a very accurate powder for the big cases. A filler may not be necessary with it. As well, 4895 is another good performer, being just a shade hotter than Varget. As well, it may not need the filler. I would be using magnum primers. All straight cases seem to prefer them. With BP loads, the FED215 is THE primer to use. Personally, I'd use them for all loads. |