In reply to: 500NITRO, is absolutely correct! In a tight spot you better not remove the bolt rifle from your shoulder to work it, or you will likely be late for the second shot on something like a lion. However, the difference between the two where the second shot is concerned, the bolt rifle man has to remove his shooting hand from the trigger group to cycle the bolt, recover from recoil and then get back on the trigger, and on target, for the second shot. The double shooter has only to recover from recoil, and get back on target, with simple change of trigger. In the case of Boddingtoin's test, there were three shots fired. This is not imposible even on a chargeing lion, as many hits cause the lion the fall, turn, jump, and bite at the empact area on his body, giveing both riflemen a little more time to sort things out. Boddington, did this test with a single shot against a bolt rifle, and won,the double would be even better for the third, and FOURTH shots! 500grains is also more than correct in his 0-2 shots at bite me distance,in most cases however! ![]() |