In August this year I am pretty sure I could have "engineered" a charge by a scrub bull. I shot the bull perhaps with an unwise shot. I shot it with an acute angle from behind into the gut aiming for penetration to the chest. Perhaps the bullet never made the chest! The bull turned and I immediately hit it in the chest with the second barrel. The bull was above me on the hill, maybe seventy metres away. It had the advantage of the higher ground. It came running down the hill looking for me, maybe ran about 20 to 25 metres down the hill. I was behind a tree. Graham the guide and another client were about twenty metres behind me. Graham filmed the hunt with my videocamera. At this point Graham said "Wal, get your .416 ready!" I reloaded one barrel and decided to forgo the second barrel as the bull was perfectly positioned. I hit it again this time in the shoulder and into the heart/lungs. Sprays of blood shot metres into the air. The bull collapsed. What would have happened if I reloaded and stepped out from behind the tree and out into the open so the red scrub bull could see me? Perhaps it would have turned and run away. Perhaps it would have charged and the charge caught on film. Perhaps I would have got squashed! *** As I said before even a lung shot buffalo could probably be induced to charge. Normally hunters do not expose themselves to the wounded dangerous beast. They keep covered if possible and shoot again. If you let the buffalo both see you and also smell you, and then approach it to close range, in my opinion the chances of it charging will be considerably increased. |