Nitrox, 500grns, Clark, Thanks for the congratulations; 500grns congrats to you for your incredible hunt. Nitrox, it was hot but the heat caused no pressure, extraction or ejection issues. There were just no problems of any sort with the rifle. 500grns, the jury is still out. I will have to chrono the load, if for no other reason than curiosity. Richard believes that 500grns at 2100fps is minimum for totally reliable frontal brain shots on bulls. He believes 2150 or 2200fps are even better. Still, the rifle performed perfectly so far as function and that leaves me wary of making changes. We had only female leopards hit baits, but we did get to watch a male lion on one of our baits for 15 minutes one morning, till it was bright out. He needed another year maybe two, but it was still great to watch. The buffalo hunting was great and the elephant hunting fantastic. Nitrox, the flight home I was able to contain all my activity to the loo. Good thing since those bags just weren't big enough. High velocity out both ends, thankfully, alternating. Every muscle in my torso hurts now from the often repeated effort. Photos asap. JPK |