Pedersoli Kodiak .58 double This was the hardest to work up a load for. It never grouped well. It was a quality built rifle, but I never had the patience for black powder. Pedersoli Kodiak .72 double Shot well at 25 and 50 yards. Much nicer gun than the .58 caliber. Really fun to shoot and attracts a lot of attention. I sold it before I ever used the big conicals that I had a custom mold made for me. Baikal 30-06 SXS double Great shooter. Grouped well at my range that was 50 yards. Typical Russian workmanship. Horrendous triggers. Two (2) Baikal O&U doubles I never liked over and unders with a gap between the barrels so I added ribs to them. They grouped well at 50 yards. Russian workmanship and horrendous triggers Kodiak 45-70 Beautiful workmanship and wood. Never took it to the range, but hunt with it. Deadly at 125 yards with 300 grain bullets. Kodiak 8x57JRS Same as the 45-70 accurate and deadly. 150 grain factory ammo. Kodiak 9.3x74R ….(safe queen) I was told by the previous owner that it shoots 2” groups at 50 yards. I can’t verify this yet. Note: I sold all but the three Kodiak centerfires. I have only used factory ammo. My Kodiaks all have three leaf express sights, unlike the newer hokey left/right sights. As I said before I pretty much hunt South Florida hogs with my doubles. |