Quote: Yes. And NE requires it. Quote: I've corrected this statement. "A double rifle regulated is best". Quote: I've asked experienced gun makers to comment. IMO It's pretty obvious. Two options exist. Fixed rib barrels, soldered after test shooting and aligning a good parallel POI at a given distance. Secondly a cheaper option is non fixed barrels with adjustable "wedges". Options such as a rubber "rib" can improve the appearance at a distance. Quote: A muzzle butchered dr is a POS. You claimed you "never test shot yours to see if it even regulated". It is a personal question, between functioning double rifles that fire reasonably regulated point of impacts. And cheap arse twin barrelled rifled shooting anywhere. Useless. And either are sold off to the next poor sod or someone goes to the expense of separating the barrels, test shooting until regulation POIs are achieved and then resoldering the rib. Quote: Baikals are quite aweful. But I still have one. Marrakai has one. Mine cost $800 second hand. Very hard to find any DR at any condition at that price. I imagined mine as some sort of "truck gun" when buying it. Not really possible in this over regulated times. And I don't have feral pigs or similar running around my farm. A truck gun here is a shotgun or .22. The Valmets can do the job. There can be issues I'll detail in the "cheap or affordable dr" thread. Including the rubber "rubs". I've got a Tikka/Valmet as well. Quote: So you did test shoot your shotguns for how slugs regulated for common POI. It's good when things work. We aren't going to agree. But this is a serious DR forum. In the absence of any verified evidence of the muzzle ground butchering working, we'll assume it doesn't. Or a reputable gunmakers/gunsmith responding to the contrary. Traditional regulation of DR barrels we'll assume means a fixed rib after test shooting and adjusting the barrels for a common POI. Non traditional regulation is the same method with self adjustable separated barrels. Time to close off this thread, its going in repetitive circles. Thanks for the discussion. |