Im only leaning towards 45-70 because I have a set of 12ga inserts in 45-70. They can make them permanent or can be removed. I would want them fixed.
Why not? If a suitable donor 12-bore is available. Sounds a possible solution to me.
Can the insert barrels be adjusted for point of impact? i.e. for a form of regulation?
I think plus or minus seven inches is what I'd go for.
Yes Im sure they can be at least somewhat regulated if made permanent. Years ago there ware inserts made for the Bakail Coach guns that used shims at the muzzle. My thoughts would be to fit the shim until reasonably regulated then have them fixed in place.
On the off chance they cant be regulated or the gunsmith isnt willing, then Im not terribly upset; afterall this is 90% a fantasy toy. If it "hits" a Tiger size target at say arms length I would say that is Howdah "MOT" (minute of a Tiger)????