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Sportingrifle: You will note that Ellis-Brown will not build double rifles on any American-made shotgun actions. There is probably a good reason for this!
Sportingrifle, I think there is a good reason for that! With the exception of some of the doubles made by Galazan, there are no doubles made in the USA that I would consider for a basis for a double rifle chambered for anything bigger than a 218 BEE. I find that the best shotgun actions for converting to double rifles are the German ones. Most of the combination, double rifles, verlings and drillings, are made on the same actions that are used in their shotguns. Most Britt S/S shotguns are made on very light actions, and though are fine shotguns, will often destroy themselves with HIGH BRASS heavy shotgun loads. They are mostly designed for pass shooting at small game birds, and are absolutely the finest shotguns for that purpose money can buy. But the actions arenot generally suited to double rifle use.
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Marrakai: Its just a thought, but I suspect that German shotguns in general might well have finer firing-pins more suited to the rifle conversion. In my experience, many American shotties, most Belgian clunkers, and pretty-well all hammer-guns have oversized firing-pin holes which would definitely need bushing to be safe.
I agree with you on ALL American made shotguns! They are not only rough, but have no real lock-up. The fireing pins look more like railroad cross-ties than fireing pins. They will become self-openers, not by intention of the builder, but simply because they are not designed for anything more powerful that a shotgun shell. I find the strongest shotgun actions to be German, and every double rifle I have built, only three were not German, and they were Italian, but were chambered for small cartridges with the largest being a 30-30 Win from a 20 ga Laurona S/S. I have never had a problem with one of the half dozen I've owned, or the six I've built on shotgun actions. It is my opinion, if you want to build a double rifle on a shotgun action, and you want it to be anything of value when you finish, then you must start with a good, and strong shotgun, then do the things that need doing to make it safe, and worth you time!