Daryl - What I'm saying is that missing POA by 3-5 inches now at 30yards doesn't give me confidence in a clean kill cause I'm not confident I can hit where I'm aiming yet with hit. Changing the sight picture as discussed above should solve for the elevation issue. Hopefully a more energetic powder will solve for the distance between L and R barrels. I am super confident in the lethality of the 500 BPE round on a whitetail. Re lubes, I will switch to beeswax and vaseline when I've finished with the current batch of beeswax and crisco. Clean up isn't bad now, although the bores sure do look dirty after just two rounds. For what it's worth, I've been running a wet patch through each barrel before starting each new load permutation...so shoot 4-6 rounds, patch, then next 4-6 rounds. Mike - I didn't answer your question about the rifling. It is standard, relatively shallow grooves. Not Alexander Henry style rifling. Regarding powders, all I have is 2Fg and 3Fg Old Eynsford and 1lb of 2Fg private label Graf's powder (not sure who makes that for them.) For powder I will order 1.5F and 2F Swiss, plus two more pounds of 2F OE as I know the 450 Reilly likes that. |