Reasonably priced? Ha ha. I don't know if it will become reasonably priced for mere mortals. When I visited London and the gun shops, I visited H&H, Purdey, Beretta and I think it is Cogswell & Harrison(?) - same street as Beretta. The "new" Rigby was not in existence then, the Pasa Nobles Californian monstrosities were still being made, and Mark here on NE was still infringing on the Rigby trademark. I visited him as well. H&H staff were friendly and welcoming. I couldn't afford anything even as a souveneir there. A shirt? Not at three to four times the same sort of shirt at Barbour or Beretta! I thought about a gun rack toast rack in silver, but not at GBP800 ors oemthing like that. Maybe half that? (Supposedly a lot of the London H&H gunroom staff had been laid off in recent years??? True or not???) Purdey were not friendly at all. Some old fart salesman, hardly would say hello ... Cogswell & Harrison (?), I think they were? Will do search. They were decently priced, even the guns. Staff were friendly. And the assorted goods were decent as well. They were doing their "end of year City of London" selling spree from bankers and brokers bonuses at the time. Get a decent brokers bonus, buy a nice shotgun. Beretta were very friendly. I probably spent $2000 there on all sorts of non guns or ammo stuff. Good value for London and stuff one can not get here easily. Had good chat with the Manager. Now if you can sell a shirt for GBP150 or 200, why would you sell it for GBP55. If Purdey can sell a leather trim canvas satchel for GBP800, like the one I have in far better lambs leather which I paid A$350 ( a while ago) why would you discount your name? Discounting for premium goods destroys the brand value. If you can sell to the rich who want the brand name and will pay for it, and you can sell enough to make a profit and sales well enough to provide a commercial return why would you destroy your brand value? Beretta can fill the mid price range, plus some stuff and guns at higher prices. H&H can fill the top of the pyramid niche. Providing they can sell a volume enough to make it worthwhile. Safari wear? Realistically how many British go on hunting safaris now? I think Simon Barr of Tweed Media mentioned maybe 400 persons now once? And these people can also buy safari clothes on the internet from the USA as well. BUT as I have said, I think they will or should look a ranges of firearms, made to a standard, bur not costing $250,000 ie a double rifle, or $50,000 or whatever (?) they sell bolt actions for. People harp on about the Rigny bolt action rifle prices. The simple fact is, if they can sell them at those prices, they will. Being upset because people not buying the rifles at those prices, and complaining about the prices won't change anything. Vintage Rigby's back in the vintage days were also priced well outside the price ranges normal people could afford. |