Agree that a decocker is a nice safe feature. The only problem is that every time the Blaser rifle is broken open, it decocks itself, so it must be recocked after every reload. This in my opinion is 100 times worse than an auto safety. It functions the same, but the decocker adds several pounds in extra push effort requIred to take it off safe/recock the rifle. My understanding is that unlike the Blaser, the Kreighoff decocker does not decock the rifle when breaking open to reload. Carrying decocked with a decocker is goodness. Reloading under pressure in the heat of the moment, a decocker that functions like a Blaser is a curse worse than contracting an embarrassing STD and it could be fatal under certain circumstances. After gathering up my 2 pound ball peen hammer and applying a few good well thought out swats to bend the brass barrel yoke at the muzzle, the damned thing was about as perfectly regulated as one could get with any double. You just have to trust in your metal work skills, take a deep breath, and bash your rifle’s muzzle correctly. One final point I’d make about the S2 is that Blaser asked a very hefty price for a double rifle that required no work at the factory to regulate. One peels back the rubber “ribs” between the barrels and adjusts horizontal regulation by adjusting a wedge between the barrels. There is on way to adjust vertical regulation without a hammer and some taught nerves - of note, the regulation process is a big part of why double rifles command very high prices and Blaser did nothing other than assemble a rifle with two barrels stuck into a brass yoke at the muzzle to hold them together, and lay a rubber strip between them to fill the gap that would normally be filled by some fine fitting and metal work to lay in and solder steel ribs in place. So, Blaser being the capitalist they are, wanted to cash in on the cash cow of the $10k entry level big bore retail prices without committing to the tedious and very costly work that goes into making a double rifle in the traditional way...... they went the route of throwing lipstick on a pig and calling it good - I’m trying to be kind with my last comment. |