eagle27 I believe that with a mechanical single trigger you'll get click bang with two pulls of the trigger.............supposing your second barrel doesn't missfire as well. With an inertia activated trigger it'll be click, move safety/barrel selector to select second barrel, bang.............same discaimer. If you don't train in this manoeuvre you won't think of this in moments of stress - presence of mind. "Train how you are going to Fight" Training will make the movement instinctive. No training....no backup plan! IPSC shooters practice jam clearing and mag changes until it is instinctive. Armed forces do the same thing with their weapons. What alarms me about people using bolt guns is the number who cannot reload from the shoulder. They have to dismount the rifle to work the bolt and then remount the rifle to fire it. That is not conducive to a fast followup shot. Certainly not conducive to a follow through on your shot.........possibly resulting in flinching or dismounting the gun before you've finished the shot. You see it in the movies with people who dismount a lever action between shots. It's all an indicator of poor training and no consideration for what to do if things go wrong with the first shot and a fast second is required. With our bolt actions we need to train to shoot, work the bolt from the shoulder, and continue to fire good shots. Even to drop an emergency round onto the magazine follower and close the bolt .......preferably without dismounting the gun. With doubles you need to be able to shoot, get rid of the empties and reload with minimum disruption of your gun mount. Watch some of the better Cowboy Action (SASS) shooters shoot and reload a double barrel shotgun. Remember Free advice is usually worth what you gave for it. |