I don't approach investments in that manner. I have a hard time selling items that I am attatched to, but fianancial diffulties fall on all of us from time to time. I've sold a lot of coins that I hated to let go of to pay rent and keep food on my table in the past. A double would be treated with the same regard. I would enjoy it for everything it is worth, hoping that I would never have to sell it, but being that it would have no family sentiment behind it, sold at the first absolute need. With luck, if I have children, it would become theirs as a rememberance that dad was that twisted individual that went target practicing with a .500 Nitro. After death, and provided I ever do have children, I won't care if its sold or not, but its a refreshing thought that at that point they would not look at it as an investment and hang on to it for sentimental reasons.
Art is subjective. A condition exits in humanity that produces minimalists. I am a minimalist. I find beauty in simplicity, and over embelishment of anything as just gaudy.