(.333 member)
08/06/05 11:08 PM
Re: New to forum and relatively new to doubles- Fe

I am attracted to English double rifles. They do have a certain grace and functionality that appeals to me.
I own a circa 1910 A. Hollis and Son, 450/400 3 inch. It is a wonderful rifle. I have this thing about 26 inch barrels.

If I were to buy a NIB 450/400 3 inch .408 caliber 26 inch barreled double rifle today, it would be a Searcy. On the two occasions I have had an opportunity to visit with and to talk with Butch, he has treated me with kindness and took time to chat with me even though he knew I wasn't going to buy a rifle from him at that time.

When I do buy a rifle from Butch it will have an English style splinter forearm and cheek piece stock.

I think Butch makes the best American made double rifle.
According to reports I've heard, about the number of orders he got at Reno this year, a bunch of folks feel the same way.

If faced with a choice of a used Searcy and an old English double, I'd most likely choose the English rifle.
Just my opine

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