I started out at 50 yards with the left barrel hitting about 8in high left and right barrel about 6 inch right. The first adjustment I went the wrong way and they went over 2 feet apart. On the next I went too far and they crossed about 6 inches apart left and right with the left Barrel about 8 inches high. I wedged the barrels into the picnic table to give them a clockwise twist if you're looking from the butt of the gun and a small adjustment of the jack screw. I then backed up to 100 yards and repeated this shooting a left and right with an adjustment in between 7 times. I reshot one time because I snatched one shot way low after holding too long and running out of breath. These were the last five shots of the day as it was starting to get dark. Not bad for 20 shots total with cast plane base 405 grain bullets. Everything works like clockwork when I made an adjustment to gun responded pretty much as I desired. I believe I will have it shooting pretty good before I finish the next box of cartridges.