If you are going to Africa on a buff ,ele ,hippo hunt I would choose the 577 ,nothing more memorable than looking back on a African hunt you did with a 577 ! a 500 might be a better all rounder if you are going to use it a lot , I had a Ruger N01 in 585 Hubel and it weighed about 12 pounds loaded to 577 velocity, which imo is enough anyway ,it booted, but was bearable ,first buffalo I shot I never felt the recoil ,next day shot another and ''felt it'' ,but that's part of the fun and experience !plus anything hit in the right place with a 577 has ''had it'',in Africa there will always be someone willing to help out ,and carry it for you if need be ,plus there is the mystique of guns like the 577 ,id say go for it .................... |