I`m glad that you bought a Rigby double rifle..........I only wish that I had. I wish that I`d invested a few grand in a selection of top flight double rifles thirty years ago ! I`m not too sure about how much the California Rigbys have affected the value of `old` Rigbys as prices have been rising pretty consistently anyway. I suppose the California Rigbys might have made the buying public more aware that there is a decidely finite supply of the original Rigbys with a subsequent hike in value. I only saw the advertising photographs in the DBJ some time after they first appeared when somebody drew my attention to them and realised straight away that they had problems - If they couldn`t finish a gun to superb type specs for an advertisement it didn`t bode too well for the consumer guns. You`re not the first person to comment on the finish of those Rigby Merkel actions and it was something that really puzzled me as Merkels are generally excellently finished. The only thing that I could think of is that the actions were built to a price - you get what you pay for in other words. Merkels are, as I said, usually very well finished - just ( very ) occasionally though a less well finished gun gets out of the factory. I have no idea why - staff training day maybe ? Likewise - and again very occasionally - a Merkel appears that is a little `tight` feeling on closing and they don`t get any better with use, if anything they get `tighter`. It`s not fair to `hit` on Merkel as they are no more inclined to produce a slightly less good gun than most other volume gunmakers. Berettas are pretty consistent but every now and then you get a ridiculously good example with wood that is way above the model standard. Anyone in the market for a new Beretta should view a good selection before buying as the odds of finding one of those exceptional examples are pretty good. I actually know of a gunshop in the UK that has taken to pricing new Berettas individually to take advantage of this. Oh yes, `proper` guns are hammerless and burn smokeless powder. I can appreciate a hammer gun but have no desire to own one - and as for that stinky black stuff......... If that makes me a Philistine then so be it - I reckon I`m entitled to my opinion. Actually messing about with black powder guns can be fun.....but I wouldn`t take one into the field. |