This is a good example for you then about how you need to make double darn sure you know what you're getting into. Something you might want to do is tell yourself what your budget is. Then find every dealer within the radius you want to travel within for the purpose of dealing with somene on a rifle. Then visit all of the dealers within that radius and tell them what you want and what you're ready to spend. Consider that at that point you might need to adjust both your price level and the limits of how far you're ready to travel. What you need is a gun that fits and that will safely be there for you when some angry ass freight train with tusks of an animal is charging your way with the intent to turn you into jelly. That thing has to be able to fire outta both sides of it's snout without a misfire or blowing up in your face. And it's gotta be accurate within the call of the job with the ammunition that will do for the game you need to whack. That's just my opinion though. Something you might want to consider too. --Tinker |