(.450 member)
31/03/05 09:52 PM
Re: My Holland .500/.465 blew a barrel

Wow, what a shock. We all had vicariously enjoyed your acquisition of that fine rifle last month. Now a catastrophic failure. Thank goodness there was no injury.

I think I speak for all when I say that an event like this is a fear that always lies in the back of our minds. If something can be learned from it, that is the only good to be salvaged.

Would you share all the details of the loads, etc.? You made no mention of a filler. Were you using a filler with your loads? Had there been any indication of trouble aside from the balky opening at 90 grains?

It makes me recall Graeme Wright's chapter on "Damage to Double Rifles." He states that he gets his barrels x-rayed by a testing firm. Does anybody on the forum get their barrels tested in this manner? If so, have any such tests revealed hidden flaws? Does anybody have information of who might do such testing, and where? I leave this question wide open, because we would all like to know of such a testing firm in our own country.

Again, I am so thankful that CFA and NE450No2 are walking, talking, and still using all their fingers.


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