Never had a problem with the standard S2 in 9.3 x74R and I've posted here but this beast is something else.
So, did you work up the nerve to swat it with a 2 pound ball peen hammer? I got mine to regulate perfectly at 100 yards. I did eventually trade it off for a whole host of other reasons, but accuracy was not one of them! Using a scope, each individual barrel was typical of Blaser accuracy, rendering a group that could be covered by a quarter dollar coin. Post-ball peen hammer swat, the composite group was an inch apart and on the same horizontal plane at 100 yards, but it took extreme measures to get it there. The doubles I currently own, while not as perfect in the accuracy department are very good, and all are traditionally built with soldered ribs and regulated by craftsmen at the factory. I have had a couple that were less good, but these also ended up as trade ins. None were remotely as pitiful as the Blaser in it's pre-ball peen hammer modified state.