Hi All, I’ve been shooting my double and have a few questions for those that can contribute. I have a Merkel 140AE in .500NE, my first double and a nice one with upgraded wood, I’ve only had it a few months now and put about 100 rounds through it to try and get used to shooting it. The first couple of shots through it were an awakening, but through persistence and determination I’ve got my head around it and can shoot it pretty good now. And my fingers don’t bleed anymore after belting the front trigger or trigger guard. Why the trigger shoe edges are so sharp is beyond me, but thankfully the front is articulated. There is a noticeable step up in recoil from my .404 but it is manageable all the same and makes my .338 win mag feel very light now. Anyway, I have shot a few groups at 35 & 50 yards and get groups averaging 60mm or just under 2.5” for 2 shots from each barrel. I do think these groups can be reduced as there is always one random shot which stretches the group to 2.5”, which I’ll take responsibility for. The thing is the groups cross, but only by one shot. The furthest left is a left barrel and the furthest right is a right barrel, the two centre shots cross and only just. I’m in two minds just to leave it as it is, but it also shoots low by 2.5” from the group centre, at both 35 and 50 yards. I’m considering dropping the load two grains to 104gns of 2209, or purchasing a lower front site to raise the groups as I’m not sure if dropping the loads will raise the groups enough. I have to wait for some more 570gn Woodie soft points to come in before I proceed so I thought I'd throw it out there for discussion till then. |