Some links which might be useful: http://www.qldrifle.com/traveling-with-firearms Travelling with Firearms - Qld Rife Association - includes Exporting http://www.customs.gov.au/site/page4381.asp Prohibted and restricted exports - customs http://www.defence.gov.au/deco/firearms.asp Export Firearms and Related Goods http://www.defence.gov.au/deco/firearmspermit.asp Defence Export Permit for Firearms http://www.customs.gov.au/site/page4372.asp Firearms and Weapons - Aust Customs http://www.customs.gov.au/faq/ProhibitedRestrictedGoods2.asp Prohibited / Restricted Goods - Frequently asked questions How can I import or export a firearm / gun / rifle / pistol? These links may help. A commercial customs agent may be necessary to process the paperwork. |