Quote: Welcome onboard Charvez. As a former Winchester & Colt collector I can tell you allready the mindset from that "collectorworld" isnīt 100% adapteable to the "englishgun collecting world". Condition is everyhing but....Original condition may not influence the Price as much as it does in the Winchester & Colt world. Donīt be afraid to buy a gun that has been refurbished, restored or refinished. Here the English doublerifle will still hold its value if things is done correctly and will still be an attractive piece. Here the name, caliber comes first in and other things as nonrebounding, Rebounding, hammerless, dollshead ext, engravings, barrellength, cased or no case may have a larger influence than "original finish". Personally I would much rather buy an English doublerifle with an attractive known name that has been refinished expertly than buy a lesser known name gun with no finish(but original) at all. If you can find a good H&H hammerrifle in either .450ex or .500ex I would say you are on the right track. .500ex is more attractive than .450ex(just like in Winchesters). People who has been in this longer than I have been say that the average hunter/shooter becomes more happy with the .500express in the long run and it is here an invisible line is drawn from comming from .450express to 500cal that one actually move up to a still truly usefull biggame caliber. Even Buffalo is still hunted today with .500express rifles. Read book, read on-line articals, read Nitroexpress forum(the best) and start with a good academical Foundation of knowledge to later to make a good choice....and stay happy longer..:LOL |