I bought my first DR in 1951 as a High School Junior. I have owned a DR at least all of my hunting years. I actually carried one to Africa on 4 different occaisons but actually only used one once on an Elephant. I had the romantic notion that that is what should be used. I found the pleasure of using it to successfully harvest game was no more pleasurable than with a nice bolt gun. My next and last safari I took my Elephant with a custom 416Rigby bolt gun. I glance at the tusks as I write this and the memory comes flowing back. Incidentally after selling the gun I took the Elephant with I bought one last DR which is now long gone. It finally dawned on me that all things considered they were just not worth it. I have managed to live comfortably for the last 10 years without one. I know it's near heresy on this forum but I think they are the biggest con-job in African lore. |