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has anyone tried the 'Boddington method' of tipping the open extractor-gun 'over and out' to dump out the fired cases?
Though my experience is limited to North America, and Alaska, I do that maneuver all the time. I practice it when shooting the rifle at the range, and the empties do just fall out. When I shoot in the field I do the same thing and gets to be a natural response after shooting both barrels. As Rusty says you don't have to really "muscle" the gun over to the side and up out of you line, just tip the barrels up or give it a quick flick of the wrist to the side and they are out in my 9.3x74r. I wil cavet this with the statement that my "dangerous game hunting" is limited to bears in Alaska, so this might be less suited for buff in Australia or Africa. But just sharing my thoughts...