Apologies for resurrecting an older thread but trolling through NE after a couple of glasses (or more!) of Single Malt, I must have missed the original post Both rifles from Chasseur and Huvius (certainly a British Rifle enthusiast!) are about as good as it gets As well as being Best A-H with Hammers ( I am with Curl regarding "ears") the engraving is arguably the best available at the time Some customers preferred the Rose and Scroll alone in a Best Gun/Rifle [my ex Duke of Marborough A-H Best Single a prime example] shot but this is the tops [must not be too pedantic but much better for a real usable rifle than the beautiful but possibly impractical "Gun Porn"] I particularly like the bolted non-rebounding locks, with the slightly lower hammers that A-H used. The excellent percussion style fences are a joy to behold Very good shooting from Chasseur TH44 |