I'll toss this in. What appears to be proper fitting might not be... In my own case I want a high headsup position on any rifle, scoped or not due to nerve damage I suffered many years ago. I REDUCE the comb on guns I fit to myself and others who handle them almost to a man hate them..when they are handling them. In shooting, tho {if they have a head long enough to reach the stock with their eyes in line with the sights! LOL} they say..."Where'd the recoil go??" True enough. With a more-or-less chin weld the recoil is directed to the shoulder and not the face. I really suspect many commercial stocks just don't fit anyone very well but that is another thing. So who knows, maybe these fellows like the headsup position. From a couple pix there they look similar to my weld. Works for me. Now my SAKO Finnbear has a stock design that has lots of cheek purchase but still requires a headsup position, and it works fine. But few other stocks I've shot do, so I rasp the comb down. Now John... I am admittedly a little slow on the uptake but you will have to be a little more clear as to your feelings on Trijicon as a company. Those who are interested in possibly purchasing one of their products might appreciate a little less vague assessment on your part... ![]() |