(.375 member)
01/10/14 11:53 AM
Re: Decreasing eyesight & open sights becoming difficult to use?

Personally I'm big on hunting with open sites, though admittedly I came to it after a while.

In Texas you grow up hunting from a blind. That just the way it's done.

After going to Zimbabwe I realized that hunting [or rather shooting] at long range with a nice scope is relatively easy when compared to the work it takes to stalk up close.

At the same time, I am approaching 50 (in a couple of years) and I can't see clearly up close anymore. However, shooting large game at close range [as one might do with a double rifle] is as much instinctive shooting as shotgunning is, so does one really need such as site?

It looks fine on the pistol. But to put that high-tech modern site on a classically styled double rifle is heresy if you ask me.

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