I have seen it firsthand, I saw the first one the day it left for Reno last year in the workshop of Purdey. And if this one is not a beautie, nothing is. I know some collectors wanted Bar-in-Wood action but that was not to be because of the nowadays chartridges. It is actually an almost 100% copy of the 1920's hammerguns. If I remember it correct the hammers are probably smaler but not much. What is it with it that is not of your liking?? I have also seen a breand new Woodward Side/side. This one was also wery nice and true Woodward in al aspects. I don't remember the price but I dont think that it differs so much from new Purdeys. I am of to London in the beginning of feb. and I will certanly ask them if they would build an Woodward rifle on this action if someone asked. But this one was a real nice rifle. annybodys dreamgun. What more could you ask for. Lots of personality and a unike rifle with a great name and history. congrats. |