(.224 member)
12/02/13 12:07 AM
I Hollis & Sons

On this forum I have read a few posts on this maker. I have one of these doubles in 450/400 NE. Serial number is 101400. On the rib is printed I Hollis & Sons Birmingham & London. Underneath the barrels by the lugs is printed " cordite. 450-400 EX and 60-400 max" . It has Bp proof marks with a picture of a crown, above. On the left of the receiver there is an an graving of a lion stalking a gazelle or some such animal, a leopard on the right and the head of an elephant on the bottom. The engraving is somewhat faint but clearly discernable. I have fired it using 80 grains of IMR 4831. It seems to be well regulated with the bullet holes on the target practically touching bang on the cross I drew on the target at i50 yards.it is hammerless. I am a newbie member and love this website. Also waiting on a Merkel 500 although not sure why as the Hollis appears adequate for pretty well all large game. Haven't figured the picture posting yet and off to Africa on a site seeing tour in two days with a hopeful return at end of August to hunt buffalo. Does anyone have any thoughts on year and yvalue of the Hollis? I bought it from a friend who had a contact from India from where the rifle came. It is in nice shape and just needed a new recoil pad.

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