No, dont know of any books. Agree ANY DF D/R is worth owning. Someone here can correct me if i am wrong BUT I think DF made best grade BOXLOCKS but of such high quality. A bit like Trigger plate actions and WR Droplocks are considered high grade guns even though "technically" boxlocks". Here are a few more - Scalloped actions in Westley Richards are generally a higher grade of gun. Hence my comment. Where a gun is scalloped, it makes it harder to put checkered panels on the side as they don't have a straight line of the action to work with - and IMHO, you don't need both !!! - Staling safety - some low grade guns have them. I have a low grade WR boxlock that has it !!! Why - because it was built as a hunting rifle !!! Remember, in the days these guns were made, a lot were made to order so a gunmaker made what the customer wanted - chosen by funds available or features wanted. That is why we have a saying, in the English gun trade everything is possible !!! Re the gun here in Aus, I just remembered, it went to a guy in NZ !!! (I forgot it was a while ago - sorry !!!). |