iqbal, I didn't say that thier guns were BAD, I said that if you buy one of thier doubles you better be willing to keep it for a long time. What I'm trying to say is... well, imagine that you were a gun owner that appreciated the "classic" look & feel of "Bond Street's Best"... Rose & scroll engraving, classic 7-pin action with moustache, chopper lump barrels and articulated triggers, etc... and someone handed you a double rifle that was the relative complete opposite of each of these things. It's still a double rifle, but has none of the features you want in a double rifle. It's the extremes they've gone to in designing these guns that make it too "untraditional." Kinda' like comparing their "bolt gun" to a classic Mauser - they've got very little in common. (If you like mausers, you're not going to like their "bolt gun.") The Blaser - I'm sure will shoot great (after all - you can regulate you own barrels!), will probably shoot forever and probably has a lifetime warranty, etc... But to a guy that's into doubles, the Blaser is the "Mr. Potato Head" of the double rifle world. I like that so much I'm adding it to my signature! My apologies to any Blaser double rifle owners out there |