Last year I mounted a steel tube Leupold Alaskan 2.5X scope on a double .303. The client has trouble seeing open sights any more so needed the scope option. I made a set of Davidson detachable rings and bases to keep everything as unobstrusive as possible when the scope is not mounted. The 7/8" tube of the Alaskan makes a very trim setup. Unfortunately Leupold only made these for a short time, but they can be found. On the scope power deal, I was always a fan of a fixed 2.5 or 3, but now use a 2-7 Leupold on my do everything go to rifle. It's always set on 2X, but I've had situations as mentioned when I needed to do a precise shot in heavy cover and the extra power is very useful. I always carry binoculars to spot with, as I find the field of view much more useful. And I don't want to be looking through a scope at other hunters. I'll have to see if I have a picture of the .303 setup somewhere. |