Mick Can you sight your 9.3mm scope in to one of the barrels? And will it group well as a "single shot" that way? I know some guys think this is ridiculous, but to me, having a DR shooting well with the open sights, then having an option of putting on a scope for a longer shot if necessary at least adds that option. Even if the second barrel isn't really feasible with a scope. ......................................... Yes and it groups very well with each barrel. The problem is in using the same loading for both. I have worked up a separate 'scope' loading that shoots well, with the right barrel shooting accurately to 250 yards. It gets complicated but if I align the scope to shoot only the right barrel, with the open sight loads, to point of aim the left is, well out in left field, somewhere. The 'scope' loads shoot well together but cross with open sights. I usually shoot with the scope and carry 4 rounds open sight loads in my pocket. They are smeared with red marker so I can tell the difference. The 400 is much easier, although I dearly love my 9.3. |