Looking over some stats on posts on this forum, it is evident that this issue of British Doubles vs Modern European and American made doubles, is what gets the juices flowing here! Look at the figures on these threads! "H&H and Purdey vs Searcy" - 835 views/35 posts "Butch Searcy's Double Rifles" - 2757 views/103 posts "A double rifle affordable for everyone" -1118 views/65posts. Read through them and your will see the same range views, often with commercial connotations, repeated ad nauseum. Heaven forbid that debate should be stifled - afterall that's what pays the bills in the web - but - why is there any need to squeeze every last drop of blood out of this issue? I can't think of an other "commodity" where antique or vintage collectables are compared with products of recent manufacture. Would a serious car collector actively consider the relative merits of a Speed-Six Bentley and a Ferrari?? No -because his interests would put them at both ends of the spectrum, and he would opt for whatever "rocks his boat"! Or, if he just want something to get from A to B, he will probably buy a Hyundai! Nobody would presume to tell him what's best for him, and I so it should be for double rifles..... British doubles?..."love 'em or leave 'em"...and the more that are left..the more I like it...because there will be more for me! |