Gentlemen,Gentlemen! I see no point in such vacuous speculation, in so doing impugning the reputations of people who hitherto have been assumed to have lead blameless lives, until such time that the DNA evidence on the folicular matter is at hand. Even so, there is no reason to believe that the two pieces of evidence might have been the result of a concurrent act! While myself not normally given to onanistic pleasures , I have at times felt the urge when beholding one of Charles Lancasters's exquisite leg o' mutton locked hammerless high velocity double-barreled rifles. So it is is entirely feasible that Finch-Hatton might have succumbed to such an impulse. I daresay, were it not for the fact that it is the norm to remove such evidence, a goodly number of such disclourations often found on the exteriors of guncases housing Best Quality English "weapons of the chase", which are usually attributed to careless use of Rangoon Oil or some such, might be found to have suffered the same abuse as the Finch-Hatton riflecase? ...The Rt. Hon. Sir Forceven T. Rigby |