crl The Above Posters have given you good advice... However, there is no double rifle like a good British double rifle. Even Ray and Dougaboy will/should admit this. [Do not make me quote y'all from our "personal" conversations , I do not want to "drop a dime" on you, but I have a pocket full of change ]. In a Big Bore double, if you have the money and the time you can find a good one. Contact www.champlinarms.com As to calibre. The 470 is the current modern favorite. Even Federal loads 4 different bullets for it. It is a great round. I have a 450 No2. When I was shopping for a double I wanted a .458 bore so I could use 350 Hornadays for deer and pigs. I have been very, very happy with my 450 No2, especially in Africa where I have taken 2 buff and 3 elephants. The truth is [as I see it ] any calibre double from the 450 to the 475 is equal in "killing power". I would just want it to be British if I had a choice. PS I also have a British 450/400. [Mine is a 3 1/4", the 3" is just as good]. I would not hesitate to recommend the 450/400 as a persons first/ and or only double rifle. |