500 Nitro, I don't need to sell guns in order to make a living. And, when I do sell something, let's just say that it is worth a lot more than something that a bored member of India's minor royalty gave one of his servants and which ended up being advertised as something out of the raja or nawab's palace armory. There's a difference between selling genuinely good stuff and flogging junk. Clode is a turd who managed to sell a lot of junk to idiots in the West who didn't know better. Good for him. It still didn't help his company much. AFAIK they still don't do a turnover of more than a million pounds a year and that includes his company's engineering business. H&H, Purdey and others are vastly better companies than Westley Richards, and they do buy guns in India now. The palace armories sell to them. They won't sell to Clode or his son, who, I am told is a better man than his father. And those are good guns that end up with the London names - well cared for, unlike the crap that Clode flogged in his time. A private buyer (even someone with a lot of money) most likely wouldn't be able to even enter some of the private armories that are still owned by India's former royalty, leave alone buy anything there. That's why there's no shortage of hucksters flogging junk trying to make a quick buck. And the Indians flogging junk are no different from Clode in this respect. |