Please note off topic posts will be deleted. This is not a thread for all sorts of comments and discussions. This thread was re-opened specifically to allow members whom believe they have an issue to state the facts of their transaction. CCMDoc and I had an off-public discussion as he is a customer of Peter Nerving and believes there is serious issues with the transaction. And also with other clients orders. I asked CCMDoc to post the facts of the transaction as they speak for themselves. Another member also PMed me with information but declined the opportunity to publicly state the transaction facts. But wished to inform me re his case. It is of course a person's own decision how they wish to go about it and I respect that. But it is good for facts relating to the alleged failure of the transactions to be made public, especially if others may be considering making an order. If there are answers to the issues, it is a pity Peter Nerving doesn't communicate with his customers, and provide some answers. I emailed Peter a couple of times as well but no answer. The reasons for the lack of communication and the failure to deliver the ordered goods, could include various reasons. I understand the customers are pursuing legal action, police action etc and so the facts will inevitably come out. NE is a media platform. Allegations of fraud etc should be stated as a "belief" eg "I believe I have been ripped off" etc. The word "alleged" eg "alleged fraud" etc as well should be used. No doubt if the alleged fraud is the case, the legal/police action will eventually show whether this is correct when proven in court. After the appropriate court judgement, if convicted for fraud, that is when a media platform can use the word "fraud" without any mention of alleged. However if other customers also wish to state the facts of their transactions they are welcome. Also an answer from Peter would also be very welcome. NE is not a party to these transactions in any form, merely an information source/media source and is bound by the laws regarding that eg libel etc. Regarding people getting all upset about things on another forum, freedom to post anything they want etc, to my knowledge ALL the selling activity occurred on that forum, and not on this one. There was one short thread displayed on NE at the time, with two or three replies. And very little posting by the member since then. If a serious desire to sell on NE was wanted by the member, he would have been most definitely asked for a series of photographs of his product so members could gain a more considered opinion on the firearms as part of the purchase. And for example asked if even a single example had been completed yet. Look at some other new gunmakers and the dozens of photos of their work that have been displayed, of the gun being built etc and then the finished firearm. So maybe "people being able to post anything they want" is not always such a good thing. NE just like any other forum can not prevent people from making sales, especially if done off the public forums by PM etc. Beware of members whom repeatedly try to sell by PM and never openly. I do sympathise with the customers and hope they receive a just result and satisfaction. If the element of reasonable trust has been (allegedly) breached, it is a negative for all the firearms forums on the net. |