Doesn't the Sabatti experience just confirm what we all knew anyway? If you set out to buy the cheapest product, what you end up with is a cheap product. Quality comes at a price, but it represents better value every time.
I've done the same thing - first buy "cheap"; then in the long term "cheap" isn't good enough, so I end up buying again. In the end that strategy results in paying more. You spend for the "cheap" and then you do what you should have done to start with: you buy quality. If you buy quality in the first instance you save the price of the "cheap". So it's better economy to forego the "cheap" in every instance.
I won't be buying a Sabatti.
Curl, well said. Buy a cheap car, and it will be a cheap car. DR's cost a lot, often for good reasons, not just cosmetic ones.
I wouldn't touch a Sabatti with a barge pole as things now stand. Unless I could shoot it first and get it examined by someone qualified to do so, and only if it was cheap!
The old adage, value for money, not the cheapest.