John, why didn't you just move them to a new, separate thread instead of selective editing (since their are still 3 or 4 posts still on this thread) ? Just to keep you happy, Nigel, I have cut and pasted all the off-topic posts to the new thread. http://forums.nitroexpress.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=184061&an=&page=0&vc=1 Anyway, So why are Sabatti still persisting with still stuffing around doing things "on the cheap" so to speak. I've also PM'd about 5 - 6 people who were involved over the last 2 years of dicsussions on another forum to see if they will come across to NE to discuss but they seem to have gone away from talking about DR's. Two of them owned Sabs (or did, I think one got a refund). . |