New Guy, Here is what regulates for me: 1. Siera 235 H4350 81.5 grains 2. Barnes 270 TSX H414 75.0 grains 3. Barnes 300 TSX Load not found yet 4. Wodlgh 350 PP H414 69.5 grains Comments: Load 1 and 2 are much reduced. Low pressure loads. I have not found a load for my 300 grain bullent that matches the factory Federal. I'm sure it will be between 75 and 78 grains of H414 as the 270 load is perfect. Load 4 is near max. I like H414 a lot. Its very compact so you never have to compress it. It also produces the least pressure for a given velocity. I tryed IMR4350 and did not like it one bit. To hot. H4350 is good for the lighter bullets. In conclusion: check your reloading manual first, but starting a few grains below these loads are a good place to start. BTW, is this your first double, and what is it? |