The shoulder is virtually identical to a .416 Rigby shoulder. How about a picture of your factory round?
Yes, the fired case have a shoulder allmoust identical to the .416 Rigby. The fired case is to the left on the picture and the factory cartridge to the right.
Fired cases should go back into the chamber, in any rifle. If not, the chamber is not round or not straight. IT matters not what rifle or ctg. it is, a fired round MUST fit the chamber it was just fired in as brass shrinks .001" on average after expanding to fit and seal the chamber when fired. This shrinkage is what allows it to be extracted. if it didn't shrink after firing, you wouldn't get it out. Try turning the case and re-inserting it into the chamber. If at some point, it re-chambers, it has an out-of-round chamber.
That might be an issue as well. I will look into to that as well as other things and report my findings.