In reply to: In reply to: I think, Just like the war weapons were addapted to hunting, some double rifle were addapted to war, though not as many! The fact that long range sights were installed on a double is no indication it was for war. Contrary to popular belief, double rifles are quite accurate at extremely long range! Many were set up with a very long range ladder sight that was for only one barrel. I have an 1892 period Westley Richards that has a left barrel sight for 300 yds, with Metford rifleing, which was very popular in target rifles of the day, and I'll guarintee you it is not a war weapon, but a Europian "DEER RIFLE" chambered for 500/450#1 Express. Though I can't prove it, it is my opinion the double rifle was first used for hunting of large game giving more than one shot, because the reload was so slow with the front loaders. This was why the predecessor of the double rifle, was the double shotgun. It was so animals did not escape as easily, and gave some security on larger animals like Moose, and Bears of Europe, that required more than one shot, usually! If you look at any reference on war weapons you will not find a double rifle in it, with the exception of the short barreled doubles that used a combination of shot, and ball in the same load, simular to the coach guns of Engalnd, and France! (so-called blunderbuss) |