..at my gunmakers. Here today I went to my gunmakers with some projects + he had tolled my he had an surprise..for me..if I wanted it.( bound to die on poverty) Its a beautiful and the smallest doublerifle I have ever handled. I haven`t a whole lot, but it was the same length as a M94 30-30 carbine...and handled just aswell. The scope is a Leopold, but he also had the original steelscope laying around somewhere. Before anybody asked what make it was..I have simply forgot the name..I`LL have to call upthere again tomorrow to get it...again. The gun is mine( lay-away arrangement). I couldn`t afford right now, as these things always pop-up, when one has just spend the last nickel on some other stuff:LOL The barrel are 23", and the gun weighs approx 6Ibs. We donT know what bulletweight this gun is regulated for, but I could presume it could be 159grainers. The barrels have a flat rip all the way out, with fine file cuttings. |